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Instagram Stats For Marketers

Ever wonder how much of our daily lifestyle has changed ever since social media arrived? The way we act today is changing fast. Kids barely have time to play hide and seek and instead of gathering around the TV to watch our favorite shows, we’re stuck with our smart-phones in our hands hanging out in Facebook, Instagram, Youtube and the other mayor league social media platforms. But among all these social platforms there’s one that’s grabbing every brand and marketer’s attention. That platform is Instagram and on this post we’ll be sharing 15 Instagram stats for marketers.

Instagram is better known as the “selfie capital of the world”, it launched in 2010, gaining quick popularity, with one million registered users in two months, 10 million in a year, and ultimately 800 million as of September 2017. Instagram’s first image was uploaded on July 16, 2010 by Instagram CEO and co-founder Kevin Systrom. The photo shows a dog in Mexico and Systrom’s girlfriend’s foot; the photo has been enhanced using Instagram’s X-PRO2 filter.

Instagram has become a favorite for worldwide brands and internet marketers ever since the network went live back in 2010, but the network still offers a platform in which everyone from models, photographers, entrepreneurs, major brands and internet marketers can still develop a loyal followers base.

For marketers, the Instagram opportunity is clear: tap into a massive followers audience that’s actively searching for and sharing image content online. In this roundup of Instagram stats that matter to marketers, we’ll go ever 15 stats that will help find your correct Instagram business strategy.

Instagram Stats for marketers

1. Instagram has more than 800 million user as of September 2017.

Among mayor league social networks, Instagram’s occupies the third place. Facebook and Youtube have the first and second place.

2. 7 out of 10 Hashtags on Instagram Are Branded

That’s right! almost every hashtag you see on Instagram will be related to a brand. Not only do hashtags help social media users organize and categorize content, but they’re also one of the driving forces behind some of today’s best internet marketing strategies.

3. Instagram is used by 31% of women in the U.S.

According to Omnicoreagency.com:

  • Instagram is used by 31% of American women and 24% of men.

And 59% of internet users between the ages of 18 and 29 use Instagram and 33% of internet users between the ages of 30 and 49 use Instagram

4. Instagram is the most popular social media site for teens

  • 76 percent of American teens age 13-17 use Instagram.
  • 75 percent of teens use Snapchat.
  • 66 percent of teens use Facebook, essentially flat from 2015, when data showed 71 percent of U.S. teens using the site.
  • 47 percent of teens use Twitter.
  • Fewer than 30 percent of American teens use Tumblr, Twitch, or LinkedIn.

5. Millennials “can’t go without” it

According to Sproutsocial although Facebook is the most popular social network across generations, it is not as dominant with millennials as it is with older ones.

The youngest set of Millennials surveyed (age 18-24) rank Instagram as their top network (25% cite it as their favorite), just ahead of Facebook (24%) and Snapchat (23%).

6. It’s also the top social platform for engagement

According to this Forbes article Instagram is the top social platform for engagement.

“Engagement” is hard to measure, and involves several distinct factors, like post visibility, tendency to comment, and shareability. Put simply, it’s your ability to connect with your followers. In a survey of more than 2,500 micro-influencers (mid-sized social media users with a large following of daily engaged users), 60 percent thought Instagram was the best overall platform for engagement. The runner-up, Facebook, only gathered support of 18 percent.

7. An estimated 71% of US businesses use Instagram

Brands are more active and prominent on Instagram than ever. Perhaps one of the most interesting Instagram statistics has to do with how fast the network has grown in the past 8 years. With regards to professional and business growth, the aforementioned Instagram stat is almost double the number of businesses (48.8%) that uses Instagram!

8. 25% of Instagram ads are single videos (Sprout social, 2017)

While image ads are the most common on Instagram, their video feature has gained a lot of traction. In fact, 25% of Instagram ads are single videos. Video ads are most effective at getting higher engagement rates but tend to cost a bit more than photo ads.

9. The use of #Hashtags creates more engagement on Instagram

Instagram posts with at least one hashtag average 12.6% more engagement than those without and the most used emoji is the heart.

10. Instagram marketing statistics

48.8% of brands are on Instagram.

If we only look at the top 100 brands in the world, 90% have an Instagram account.

96% of US fashion brands are on Instagram.

11. Turn on your Geo location

According to Brandwatch.com posts with a location receive 79% more engagement.

12. Instagram’s favorite food

Pizza is the most widely Instagrammed food, directly ahead of steak and sushi.

13. 80% of Instagram’s users say they follow at least 1 brand

According to Instagram, 80% of users say they follow at least one business on the app, with 60% hearing about a product and service through the platform. As of March 2017, over 120 million Instagram users visited a website, got directions, called a business, emailed or direct messaged a business.

14. 70% of Instagram Posts Don’t Get Seen

It can be hard for current and potential customers to find your posts when over 95 million photos are shared on Instagram daily. But due to the new algorithm, 70% of Instagram posts aren’t seen. Instagram’s new algorithm focuses more on past page engagement when choosing what content people will see.

15. It’s by far one of “the happiest places online”

  • Instagram users “like” over 4.2 billion posts per day

Some people say Instagram is the happiest place on the internet. And that’s reflected in the number of likes. According to a 2016 Instagram announcement, users like 4.2 billion posts daily—and that was when their user base was “only” 500 million. Nowadays is 800 million.

Grow your Instagram audience faster.

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