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10 Research Hashtag Tools For Instagram To Pump Up Your Marketing Strategy -Updated

If you are using Instagram for branding and marketing purposes, you should seriously consider employing some hashtag tools for Instagram. The # symbol is no longer just a symbol, its a modern marketing style, it’s an opportunity to be known to the entire world. Instagram is the best example of hashtag implementation.

Why are hashtags important in your internet marketing?

Hashtags are really important for any serious internet marketer or anyone trying to take their brand to a global scale. (Notice how every Instagram influencer uses them). Basically, hashtags help organize content by topics. Hashtags can also be effectively used to promote an event for business purposes and allow webmasters to garner a new targeted customer base.

These are the 6 types of hashtags that most people relate to:

  1. Brand Hashtags
  2. Local Hashtags
  3. Event Hashtags
  4. Holiday Hashtags
  5. Related Hashtags
  6. News Hashtags

You can use general hashtags, branded hashtags, or even create your own for any special event or cause. And yes, hashtags work similar in every social network.

It’s also an actual fact that hashtags are still important in 2018 because they enable users to join conversations other users may be having about their original query.

Applying the right hashtags for your Instagram marketing is critical when it comes to social monitoring and engagement. This allows you to find the conversations where your potentially targeted audience hangs out.

By adding value to the conversation, you can easily start building up relationships that could possibly lead to a positive business transaction(s) (or at the very least awareness).

Choosing the right hashtag tools to analyze your personal or business Instagram hashtag performance will make it a lot easier to achieve your goals.

In this post, you’ll discover 10 hashtag tools to evaluate your Instagram hashtags performance.

  • Unamo: This is a great tool and it works well for media monitoring, brand monitoring and searching of influencers.

Unamo for social media is cheap, efficient, and easy to use.

hashtag tools for your instagram

However, choosing the best monitoring tool has a lot to do with how much you want to budget and which platforms you need to monitor. Here are various features that make Unamo Social a good choice for your Instagram reputation management.

First, Unamo Social Media gathers all public mentions containing your brand name or keyword in real time from other big players such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. With Unamo Social you also get potential reach, estimated ad equivalency, and number of total mentions including the hashtag for each influencer.

instagram hashtag tools

Furthermore, Unamo “helps you understand your target audience by gathering information on their location and interests”.

  • Hashtagify: They claim to be the most advanced search engine for Twitter but their Instagram tracking feature will not disappoint you, and they’ll not only tell track the conversations happening with the hashtag, but also how many likes and other engagement those conversations are having (showing you the true potential).

analytics tools for instagram It searches for and locates trending hashtags, finding the ones that will be most relevant to your audience. It can, for example, tell you the top ten hashtags related to your brand or to a current event. Hashtagify also has a Hashtags Lab, which is updated daily to keep up with the current trends, and can be monitored by your social media team to see if there’s a trending topic that you can jump in on.

Hashtagify also allows you to find the best hashtags to reach your audience and one can get a lot of insight into what other users are talking about and how to jump in on the conversation. – and it is completely free since April 2011.

  • Hashtags.org: This is an awesome tool that I use a lot before posting to Instagram. “Hashtag.org is an extensive hashtag research platform for analytics and tracking of hashtags, providing essential information and to improve your social media branding and intelligence”.

hashtags tools for marketing strategies Hashtags.org counts with an extensive daily list of hashtags that are popular or currently trending. This platform lets you find out what and which hashtags are already in existence as well as the analytics on when a particular hashtag is being mentioned most within 24 hours. Additionally if you need to know more about how to use hashtags, you can read some of their articles, available on the site.

  • RiteTag: With RiteTag you can get instant hashtag suggestions for text & images on desktop and mobile. Based on real time hashtag engagement.

This monitoring hashtag tool has all the features you need to choose a hashtag that you want to use, including trend alerts that keep you up to date on new hot trends in your favorite topic(s) of interest, and tag sets that allow you to view related hashtags that can be used to bolster your tweet even further.

RiteTag is a fantastic application for those who want to crank up their social media marketing. It will get stuff done in very less time also with very focused audience. Within one day or two, You will start getting results. Great product by a great team.

  • Sprout Social: This is s a complete social media hashtag management tool that offers amazing features like detailed analytics and social listening features, and supports most social media platforms. With this social media tool, you can respond to other users quicker, resulting in happier followers and much more engagement. You can see who has mentioned you and what they’ve said quickly.

social media tools Sprout Social’s analytics can also help you track your number of followers and level of engagement over time, enabling you to detect patterns in what’s working and what isn’t working on your marketing strategies. Their reports section is one of the reasons that they’re consistently one of my most recommended hashtag tools of all time.

  • Brand24: If you’re looking for an, easy to use, and efficient tool for your hashtag monitoring you can find it using Brand24. This monitoring tool gives you instant access to all public mentions from all over the web – from social media (Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, G+, YouTube , and more) to influential publishers & websites.

Brand24 also gives you analyses of influence, reach, sentiment, analyses of sources and mentions’ authors, list of influencers, and more.

The two most important things you get using this tool:

  1. Hashtag Tracking – on Twitter, Instagram, and many other websites.
  2. Hashtag Analytics – analyze and optimize campaigns using hashtags. Find influential social media profiles.

Be one step ahead. Try Brand24 for free, start search, monitor, and analyze hashtags. 

  • Postchup: With Postchup Instagram Hashtag Analytics you can analyze the public Instagram posts with any hashtag to access the following data points:
  • Historic hashtag data over time Historic hashtag data over time
  • Total number of posts with the hashtag Total number of posts with the hashtag
  • Total number of unique users that have used the hashtag Total number of unique users that have used the hashtag
  • Average number of posts per user Average number of posts per user with the hashtag
  • Average number of likes and comments per post Average number of likes and comments per post
  • The most liked and commented on posts The most popular posts with the hashtag
  • Filter usage and popular filters Filter usage and popular filters used with the hashtag
  • Most commonly associated hashtags Most commonly associated hashtags
  • Hashtag frequency shown by day of the week and time of day Frequency of hashtagged posts across the week
  • Export tagged posts to CSV Option to export hashtagged posts to CSV
  • Ground Signal: With this tool you can get a deeper understanding of your customers, who they are and what drives them to your profile. They count with data from over 1 Billion consumer profiles tied to locations around the world.

Their Rich location data delivers a deep understanding of where your customers are, from cities and neighborhoods to specific stores and venues. So if you’re looking to manage and rank high with your local hashtags you should stop playing and visit Ground Signal asap.

  • Hashtracking: Another tool that might come in handy when it comes to tracking social media hashtags across different platforms and primarily allows for social media monitoring is Hashtracking.com.

Hashtracking is now tracking on both Twitter & Instagram

The favorite tool for Twitter marketers is now available on Instagram as well. Track hashtags on two platforms in side by side tabbed reports. Hashtracking Instagram with ColorTracking lets you see the full spectrum.


Some of their features include:

– Display data-driven social media activity live on a custom multi-platform streaming wall at your event, venue, or office.

– Create, share and store unlimited reports infographics from your tracker data. Archive your reports for later use.

– Gather detailed history, track in real time, and never miss a post.

  • Talkwalker: Excellent metric tools. Talkwalker is your extra set of eyes and ears. It monitors what’s happening on all social channels and online media in real-time, on all markets, in 187 languages.

You can find out what customers think about your campaigns, products, events, earnings calls and brands. Or track your brand awareness and message impact globally.

 Talkwalker has incredible subscription plans and some really amazing free tools, too. By using this tool, you can track brand hashtags and mentions across social media. They take it one step further, however, and you can also track keywords off social media too; you can create a daily or weekly alerts, for example, that let you know about mentions of your keyword in the news, on blogs, or online. They even offer radio, TV, and print monitoring.

Hashtags are a big part of social conversations and are being used to curate content on every social media platform we visit, especially on Twitter and Instagram. Being able to research, create, and track specific hashtags with the right set of tools will make it easier to generate and facilitate the types of conversations that you want to represent your brand. These conversations and user-generated content can then be found and shared by your brand (via the hashtag!) to continue to increase engagement, customer loyalty, and conversions.

We hope that this list of 10 hashtag tools for Instagram will help you to measure and support your success on Instagram.

Want to learn more about what we do to help our clients on social media? Visit our products page!

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