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research hashtag tools for instagram

10 Research Hashtag Tools For Instagram To Pump Up Your Marketing Strategy -Updated

If you are using Instagram for branding and marketing purposes, you should seriously consider employing some hashtag tools for Instagram. The # symbol is no longer just a symbol, its a modern marketing style, it’s an opportunity to be known to the entire world. Instagram is the best example of hashtag implementation. Why are hashtags…

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Top 10 Power Tips To Dominate The Art Of Social Media – Infographic

Nowadays it really doesn’t matter if you run a small local business or you’re the owner of a big well known brand. Social media should be an essential piece of your business marketing strategy.

Social networks like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest among many other networks can easily help you connect with your customers, increase awareness about your brand, and boost your leads and sales. With more than three billion people around the world using social media every month, it’s no passing trend.

When compared to other ways of advertising, no other form comes close when it comes to social media in terms of active users. And above all it’s free.

On this post we’ll be sharing an infographic that Peg Fitz Patrick and Guy Kawasaki worked on to show their readers on how she does her social media.

Here’s the power tips you need to know:

  • Optimize your profiles
  • Be consistent
  • Feed the content monster
  • Be a multi-faceted jewel
  • Power your social channels with positivity
  • Answer questions and comments
  • Pass the reshare test
  • Build a reciprocal network
  • Ride the trends
  • Test everything
dominate the art of social media

As a business owner and marketer, are you using social media to advertise your business?

Are you seeing results from your efforts? Get Instagram automatic likes.

We would love to hear about your successes and failures with your social media marketing strategies.

Leave a comment below and tell us how they have impacted your business.

A List Of 266 Instagram Hashtags For Business – Infographic Included

Instagram Hashtags For Business

If you’re a business owner and you’re marketing on Instagram you should seriously start taking notes and write down the list of Instagram hashtags for business that can help you expand your reach on Instagram.

As a business owner you should always prepare ahead for your Instagram posts, so you aren’t left using the same tired #hashtags repeatedly. This infographic contains 38 blocks, each containing 7 Instagram hashtags, to create a list of 266 curated hashtags for almost any niche.

They’re broken down into different sectors – I’ve listed a few examples below:

  • Travel
  • Animals
  • Generally Popular
  • Themed
  • Quotes
  • SEO
  • Tutor
  • Author
  • Social Media
  • Photography
  • Videographer
  • Spiritual
  • Fitness
  • Nutrition
  • Weddings
  • Retail
  • Cooking
  • Music
  • Branding

And plenty more.

Check out the infographic for the full listing.

instagram hashtags for business

This post was first published on the Red Website Design blog.

Do you have any Instagram business hashtag you would like to share? If so, please leave them in the comments below. We’re still learning how to use Instagram well and would love to hear what works for you.

Put Your Instagram Marketing On Steroids

5 Effective Ways To Put Your Instagram Marketing On Steroids

It’s worth noting that over 95 million photos are uploaded to Instagram every day by its huge, active user base and nearly 60% of Instagram users fall in 18-19 age group. This is a high marked demographic for brands and entrepreneurs that are trying to build a viable social audience. Which also makes Instagram extr……

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