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9 Types Of Social Media Posts That Generate Follower Engagement

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If you made a quick stop to take your time and read this post is because you’re probably aware of the huge potential that social media platforms have to reach a huge number of targeted audiences. Among many ways of getting organic traffic to your website, social media is one of the best ways to get quality organic traffic. Furthermore, it’s also one of the cheapest ways to get exposure.

Many popular social media platforms have their own specialty, and all of them have millions of active users. Facebook is the most popular out of them all with the statistic showing over 1.9 Billion monthly active users, and it’s still growing.

However, posting once in a while and low quality content posts will not generate that followers engagement we’re all looking for when we post to our favorite platform. On this post we are going to share 9 valuable tips that you can use to post on social media and generate more follower engagement.

1- Ask a question:

Everyone has an opinion, and social media culture empowers people to share theirs. If comments are the kind of interaction you’re after, questions might be the way to go. According to an infographic by Kissmetrics, question posts get 100 percent more comments that regular social media posts.

2- Invite fill-in-the blank responses:

Fill in the blanks draw engagement because they set up the reader with most of the answer. All they have to do is crop in their own thought at the end. This is a great way to boost engagement and subtly harness feedback from your audience. You could leverage that information for future content campaigns or use the insight you gain to improve processes and delight customers.

3- Offer free advice and tips:

Your audience is always on the lookout for guidance they or their connections can put to use. Providing valuable content keeps your audience engaged and encourages more sharing.

4- Split your followers into two camps:

Want to skyrocket your engagement? Split your followers in a head to head post and encourage them to pick sides. This is a clever way to discover your client’s product preferences and other areas of interest to improve your marketing strategies. You can try a campaign of this type on Instagram and see how your Instagram followers grow in numbers.

5- Comment on popular trending topics:

The biggest key to social media engagement success is to build long-term, meaningful relationships with your audience. Leave some room in your social calendar to occasionally cover trending topics as they pop up. It stands to reason that issues with the most relevance to your business also can have the most significant impact.

You should also genuinely engage in conversations with your followers.

If done well, this can lead to a cascade effect, increasing your post’s organic reach and visibility on news feeds, which then leads to even higher engagement rates, and so on.

6- Invite user-generated content:

Who would really pay attention to an average customer’s photos/videos on your social media channels? A lot of people, as it turns out. The majority of consumers (more than 90%) trust peer reviews and user generated content over any company produced material.

7- Post video:

Services such as Snapchat, Vine, Instagram and Facebook’s native and live video options mean sharing video has never been easier. It gives your fans an inside look at your business and culture and connects them to your brand and staff on a more personal level.

8- Schedule photos as content:

Did you know that posts with photos get 53% more likes, 104% more comments and 84% more click-throughs on links than regular text based posts? Photos enable you to tell a story visually, offer inside looks at the company, promote events or simply ask readers to caption a funny image.

9- Host promotions:

Statistics show that 35% of fans follow brands to stay updated on promotions. Another 42% follow for discounts and special offers. Work these into your calendar to keep those followers engaged, but use these messages sparingly.

My favourite from the list above is definitely Number 3 – Offer free advice and tips.

But if you don’t have the time to create and curate that level of content what other ways can you generate engagement with followers?

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